5 reasons why your pet has diarrhea
5 reasons why your pet has diarrhea
Did you know that digestive issues are the most prevalent health problems in dogs and cats?
These include vomiting, diarrhea, simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea, anorexia, and constipation.
The most common of the above digestive problems are vomiting and diarrhea. You will surely deal with one or both of them more than once in your furry friend's life.
When they occur once in a while, vomiting and diarrhea can be a healthy, natural way for your pet’s body to clean its digestive system. However, if they occur more frequently or there’s blood and slime present in the vomit or stool, it is an indication of a serious health problem and requires an immediate visit to a veterinarian.
Untreated cat / dog diarrhea and vomiting can lead to general weakness, dehydration and possibly a life-threatening emergency.

Just like in humans, there can be multiple reasons for your pet’s upset stomach and diarrhea.
Eating something indigestible, like a foreign object, houseplant or human foodCats and dogs are naturally curious. They often explore the world with their mouths, which can become a problem if they eat something indigestible, poisonous or something that tastes good but is dangerous for their bodies.
Houseplants such as aloe vera, jade plants and others are toxic to cats and dogs if they ingest them. Also, certain human foods such as grapes, raisins, garlic, chocolate, macadamia nuts, and fruit pits and seeds can be very poisonous to your pet.
A change of feed or introduction of a new medicine can cause irritation in the digestive tract, causing diarrhea. Switching from puppy to adult products, trying out a new ingredient or administering antibiotics for a health problem can all give your dog diarrhea for days at a time.
These are medical conditions that aren’t easily spotted but can be life-threatening to your beloved pet. Infection and inflammation can be identified with careful medical examination, but bloody diarrhea is a definite sign that the condition is serious and a vet should be consulted immediately. As for parasites and worms, common signs of their presence are bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and visible undigested strings or rice-like objects in the stool.
Some pets are more sensitive to stressful surroundings which can make their stomachs anxious, resulting in diarrhea. Your cat or dog might have a messy situation in its travel box or in a corner or middle of the room when guests or loud noises are present. In situations like this, you can ease your pet’s nervousness with natural calming cat and dog supplements to make both of your lives less stressful.
In a healthy digestive system, the organs provide full digestive functions, absorb nutrients necessary for the body, neutralize toxins, and eliminate wastes and harmful products from the body. However, if your pet’s organism is lacking nutrients, its organs and digestive system simply can’t function properly, resulting in diarrhea.

Whatever the reasons behind your cat or dog’s diarrhea, the first things to do are remove its access to garbage or spoiled food, provide clean water and encourage them to drink it, and apply remedies with natural ingredients. One of the most efficient natural solutions is medical clay, which can be hard to find in most pet supplements. However, our specialists have created such a remedy that is safe for dogs to use, even after they’ve just given birth.
It is safe to give your pet supplements from 12 weeks onwards. If you have any questions about cat and dog vitamins, feel free to contact us at hello@gigivet.com!
GIGI VET was founded by a veterinarian and has over 15 years of experience in helping thousands of dogs all over the world.